Winning Independence: The Decisive Years of the Revolutionary War, 1778-1781

Book Summary

“Winning Independence: The Decisive Years of the Revolutionary War, 1778-1781” is a comprehensive and engaging examination of the pivotal years of the American Revolution. Written by historian John Fer, the book provides a detailed account of the military and political strategies employed by both the American Patriots and the British during the crucial years of 1778 to 1781.

Ferling argues that the Patriots’ success in the war was due in large part to the coordination and cooperation of the Continental Army, state militias, and the French military. He also highlights the important role played by key figures such as George Washington, Marquis de Lafayette, and Baron von Steuben in the Patriots’ victory. The book also covers the political climate of the time, showing how the Patriots’ ability to gain support from European powers like France and Spain helped to tip the balance in their favor.

One of the book’s strengths is Ferling’s ability to provide a detailed analysis of the contributions of key figures to the Patriots’ victory. He also provides a thorough examination of the political climate of the time, highlighting the importance of the Patriots’ ability to gain support from European powers like France and Spain in securing their independence.

Additionally, the book’s use of maps and illustrations effectively enhance the reader’s understanding of the military campaigns discussed. Furthermore, Ferling’s writing style is clear and engaging, making the book accessible to both academic historians and general readers.

The book is well-researched and richly detailed, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in the Revolutionary War. Ferling writing is clear and easy to follow, making the book accessible to both experts and general readers. Overall, “Winning Independence” is a must-read for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of the Revolutionary War and its impact on America’s history.

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